
What is Animal Husbandry?

What is Animal Husbandry?

The area of agriculture known as “animal husbandry” is responsible for rearing, breeding, and raising animals for meat, fiber, eggs, milk, and other food items.

Selective breeding and raising animals are considered to be parts of animal husbandry. The genetic characteristics and behavior of animals are developed further for economic gain through administration and care. A significant portion of farmers rely on livestock husbandry as their primary source of income.

We receive a wide range of highly nutritious food items from animals. As a result, they need a lot of care and consideration.


Commercial animal breeding is done in order to supply the elevated demand for food. Goat, buffalo, and cow dairy goods are excellent sources of protein. Since they give us milk, these creatures are referred to as milch animals.

Hens, ducks, geese, and other poultry are another group of creatures that produces nutrient-rich food. They give us eggs, which are yet another excellent form of protein.

Meat-producing animals include poultry, duck, oxen, goats, pigs, and more. We also have other marine creatures that are sources of nutrients in addition to these domestic animals. The nutrients in the seafood we consume are extremely high. Numerous elements, including fat, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, are found in them.


The department of animal husbandry specifically oversees the administration, breeding, and care of animals. Animal farming is a significant industry. The farm or area where the animals are raised, tended for, and protected is specifically designed for them.

Types of Animal Husbandry

There are four major types of animal husbandry practised in the world today:

1. Dairy Farming

The agrarian practice known as dairy farming is focused on the long-term production of milk, which is then processed to produce dairy goods like curd, cheese, yoghurt, butter, and cream, among others. It entails the control of dairy creatures like cows, buffaloes, sheep, and goats, among others.


The animals are protected from illnesses and are routinely examined by veterinarians. A healthy animal is sound emotionally, psychologically, and physically.

Either humans or machines are used to milk these creatures. In an industrial setting, milk is preserved and turned into dairy goods that are then sold.

2. Poultry Farming

The raising and breeding of birds for business use is referred to as poultry farming. Domesticated birds are raised for their flesh and eggs, including ducks, chickens, geese, pigeons, and turkeys.


To get healthy food from the animals, it is crucial to take care of them and keep them in a disease-free setting. Both beef and eggs are excellent sources of protein.

Maintaining sanitary and hygienic circumstances is necessary. Bird droppings are used as manure to increase the fertility of the land. Numerous people find work in the poultry industry, and it also enables farmers’ economies to grow.

3. Fish Farming

Fish farming is the practice of growing fish for profit in enclosed ponds or tanks. seafood and seafood protein are becoming more and more popular. Fish farms are used to grow a variety of fish, including salmon, catfish, cod, and tilapia.


There are two kinds of pisciculture, or fish farming:

  • Extensive aquaculture, based on the local photosynthetic production
  • Intensive aquaculture, based on the external food supply given to fishes.

4. Bee Farming

The technique of keeping bee colonies in artificial hives is known as bee farming or apiculture. On a large basis, honey bees are raised. Bees are tamed to produce wax, pollinate flowers, and make honey. They are utilized for the same goals by other farmers as well. An apiary or bee yard is a location where bees are kept.

Role of Animal Husbandry in Human Welfare

Animal husbandry is beneficial to human beings in the following ways:


1. Dairy Products

Animals such as cows, goats, sheep, etc. are the major source of milk and milk products such as yoghurt, cheese, butter, etc.

2. Meat

Animals such as cows, buffaloes, pigs, and goats are reared for their meat. Their meat is a rich source of dietary protein.

3. Land Management

The livestock is sometimes grazed to control the growth of weeds on agricultural land. The dry shrubs in the areas that are prone to wildfire are eaten by goat and sheep, which reduces the risk of fire.


4. Fiber

Animals also produce fibers or textiles such as wool and leather. For eg, sheep are reared for wool whereas leather can be obtained from camel.

5. Manure

The excreta, blood and bones of animals are used as manure. The manure is spread on the fields to increase the crop yields and crop production. It is also used as fuel for fires and as plaster for walls and floor.

6. Labour

Animals are a source of non-human labour. They are used for ploughing fields, transporting goods and military functions. For ag., horses, yaks and donkeys are used for such purposes.


Advantages of Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry has the following advantages:

  • By giving domestic animals the right nutrition, shelter, and disease protection, animal husbandry aids in the correct management of animals.
  • Numerous farmers are given jobs as a result, raising their quality of living.
  • Cross-breeding aids in the development of animal types with high reproductive rates. As a result, there is a rise in the production of many food items like milk, eggs, meat, etc.
  • It promotes a healthy environment and includes the correct disposal of animal waste.

Frequently Asked Questions on Animal Husbandry

The long-term production of milk, which is subsequently transformed into various forms, is the focus of dairy farming. It includes efficient milk animal rearing and is extremely capital intensive. The main emphasis in this kind of cultivation is on raising and breeding milch cattle. It can be categorized as a modern occupation for a number of factors, including:

  • It happens close to urban and industrial regions.
  • Services for veterinary and medical care as well as cattle breeding are the primary areas of emphasis.
  • This type of farming has evolved based on preservation techniques like pasteurization, refrigeration, and other associated preservation techniques that lengthen the shelf life of the products.
  • The procedures are carried out all year long.
  • extremely labor-intensive
  • high fixed expenditure


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